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Computational modeling and spatio-temporal prediction applied to social and geospatial problems.
Algorithms and frameworks for solving problems related to mobility and logistics.
Scientific computing for environment and geographical data processing
Algorithms and distributed processing methods for geospatial big data.
Analysis of Geospatial complex networks.
Algorithms and distributed processing methods for geospatial big data. Geolocations and geoparsing.
Machine Learning applied to problems with social relevance and geospatial focus.
Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems.
Applications for solutions to socio-territorial problems.

Regular Articles: 3/june/2024

Extended Abstracts: 9/august/2024

Notification of acceptance

Regular Articles: 17/june/2024

Extended Abstract: 12/august/2024

Registration fees due

Regular Articles and Extended Abstracts


Publication deadline and fees:

The information will be provided soon.

For more detailed information ask to

Instructions for authors:

1) The articles must be written in English

2) All accepted contributions are presented in the track

3) The review is double blind. Please do not forget to remove the authors information.

4) Please take care and avoid accidental plagiarism. Only the manuscripts with an index similarity less than 30% are accepted according to the antiplagiarism tools

5) There are two possible submission modes: Regular Article and Extended Abstract

  a) Regular article:

    a.1) The articles must follow the IEEE template

    a.2) Regarding the use of IA generative tools and follow the IEEE guidelines, please indicate in the acknowledgments section the use of artificial intelligence tools (For example, ChatGPT) for text generation. The artificial intelligence tools for generative text and images must be cited in the sections of the article where they are used.

    a.3) The manuscrip must not exceed a maximum extension of 8 pages.

    a.4) The suggested maximum number of co-authors is 7

    a.5) The comitee are in the procees to incorporate the conference articles in the CPS Series of IEEE

  b) Extended Abstract

    b.1) The abstract must have a maximum extension of 500 words

    b.2) The authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a complete version to one of the following publications:

    b.3) Special volume in the International Journal of COmputatiuonal Intelligence. With a JCR index of 2.9. The call for papers is in


Dr. Rodrigo López Farías

Spatio Temporal modeling with Machine Learning

Dr. Alberto García Robledo

High performance and parallel computing, big data, data visualization, network science

Dr. Sergio Ivvan Valdez Peña

Computer Science

Dr. Jorge Paredes Tavares

Water Sciences

Dr. Hector Solano Lamphar

Atmospheric Science

Dra. Daniela Moctezuma

Digital Image processing, machine learning, natural language processing and remote sensing

Dra. Angelina Espejel

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
